Monday, September 9, 2013

The Buff Window

Having a hard time seeing the Buffs/Debuffs in STO?  Copy and Paste this into your chat box and hit enter.

F8 "GenSetEarlyOverrideFloat Hud_Statustargetoftarget_Space_Bufflist scale 1.5 $$ GenSetEarlyOverrideFloat Hud_Statustarget_Space_Bufflist scale 1.3 $$ GenSetEarlyOverrideFloat Hud_Statustargetfocused_Space_Bufflist scale 1.6"

Now simply tap the F8 key on your keyboard..


Friday, September 6, 2013

TrekRadio Dance Party

Need a little pick-me-up in your STO gaming?  Well, twice a week, Friday and Sunday evenings.  Tune in to catch Darkwing Fleet's very own Suzanna, broadcasting live on

Accompanying this live radio steam is an in game dance party, normally found inside of Quark's bar.  Prizes to be won each and every broadcast!  So, what are you waiting for?  Get in there and show your stuff!

If you missed the party or would like to check out photos from the previous party, head on over to their facebook page @

Monday, March 4, 2013

Making a macro for STO

Macros, while limited in STO, are a great way cut boost your reaction time in combat.

Below is a simple to use program that allows the player to create their very own custom marcos without having to learn all the codes.

STO Key Binds

STO Spacebar Macro

Many of us older STO players still carry the habit of tapping the spacebar repeatedly do to a lack of auto-fire in the game.  While the auto-fire problem was resolved, we still tend to tap the spacebar.

Below is a reworked marco that allows the player to place Boff skills in your FOURTH POWERBAR(hotbar) to be set off in order from 1-10 and distribute player shields just by tapping the spacebar.  I say reworked, because the one I had been using always seemed to cost me DPS.

Copy and Paste the next set of lines into a text file and place that file in your STO live directory,

Space "++FirePhasersTorps$$+TrayExecByTray 3 0$$+TrayExecByTray 3 1$$+TrayExecByTray 3 2$$+TrayExecByTray 3 3$$+TrayExecByTray 3 4$$+TrayExecByTray 3 5$$+TrayExecByTray 3 6$$+TrayExecByTray 3 7$$+TrayExecByTray 3 8$$+TrayExecByTray 3 9$$+Power_Exec Distribute_Shields$$+TrayExecByTray 3 9$$+TrayExecByTray 3 8$$+TrayExecByTray 3 7$$+TrayExecByTray 3 6$$+TrayExecByTray 3 5$$+TrayExecByTray 3 4$$+TrayExecByTray 3 3$$+TrayExecByTray 3 2$$+TrayExecByTray 3 1$$+TrayExecByTray 3 0$$FirePhasersTorps"

In game, type /bind_load_file NAMEOFTEXTFILE.txt

Now whenever you tap the spacebar, all of those powers will go off.  Repeated tapping will ensure they continue to go off as they become available.

One of the benefits of having skills activated via spacebar is that it frees up the player to focus on other things like watching team health.

You can also bind Shield Distribution to your movement keys.  ONLY DO THIS WHILE IN SPACE!

/bind W "+down$$+Power_Exec Distribute_Shields"
/bind D "+right$$+Power_Exec Distribute_Shields"
/bind A "+left$$+Power_Exec Distribute_Shields"
/bind S "+up$$+Power_Exec Distribute_Shields"

Above is copy/paste in the game chat.  You can however place them in the same text file you made for your Spacebar bind.  Be sure to remove the /bind from each line.

If you screwed up at all, type /unbind_all and start over.